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Poor concentration due to trauma

You often need good concentration to get things done. Think for example of your work, at school or while driving a car. Being able to concentrate well is therefore very important. Now it can be in the personality of someone, that they can not concentrate well. Someone is easily distracted and will have difficulty concentrating to finish what they are doing. However, poor concentration does not necessarily have to be a part of a person's personality. The cause can also be an acquired trauma .

What are the consequences of concentration problems?

The consequence of not being able to concentrate is that you cannot develop a focus on what you are doing at that moment. Whether this is work, school or something else. It is very annoying when you are not able to concentrate. Because of this, things can go wrong and you can lose your motivation. Because you can't concentrate, you will experience failures, you will feel inferior and a negative self-image can develop. Problems in dealing with others can also be a problem if you have poor concentration. Often poor concentration and memory problems go hand in hand. With memory problems, concentration is very difficult anyway.
Poor concentration due to trauma

How do you get better concentration?

If you have trouble concentrating, there are several ways to improve concentration. Good concentration starts with good physical and mental fitness. Sport is good for both physical and mental health, so this is one of the things you can do. Also try to multi-task as little as possible. As cool as this may be, it's better to focus on what you're doing. Also make sure that you isolate yourself from intensive tasks. That way you won't be distracted and you'll stay focused. Do you have difficulty maintaining concentration? Taking a break now and then can help you concentrate better.

Therapy as a concentration problem treatment

If you have difficulty concentrating and the cause is clearly to be found in an unprocessed trauma, therapy is necessary. An unprocessed trauma leads to a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and this can have all kinds of consequences. Think of a burn-out or anxiety and panic disorders, this can lead to stress, reliving the trauma and avoidance behaviour resulting in social isolation. When you can process the trauma, you regain peace of mind and it is much easier to focus on the things you are doing. The best therapy for this is EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.
How EMDR therapy works

How does EMDR therapy work?

As the name of the treatment already indicates (Eye Movement), distraction with the eyes is central. In the meantime, EMDR has been developed to such an extent that you can also be distracted by sounds through headphones. The distraction takes place at the moment that, at the request of the therapist, you recall or relive the trauma. The problem with PTSD is that you not only think back to the event, but you also feel what you felt at that moment. Because of this EMDR can be quite intens. The moment of reliving is also the moment when you are distracted by a hand gesture or a sound signal. At that moment, the trauma is forgotten and sometimes, at the moment of distraction, other thoughts suddenly come to mind. If this is repeated several times, the 'retrieval' and 'parking' of the trauma will be easier. You will feel less emotional about it and the trauma will no longer affect your concentration.

EMDR can be done with Psylaris remotely or with virtual reality

EMDR therapy today does not always have to take place in the treatment room and modern techniques can be used. This is proven by Psylaris, a company that develops modern products for the mental healthcare sector. EMDR at a distance can be done, for example, with EMDR-remote.. This is the online platform developed by Psylaris. On this platform, the therapist can get in touch with the client via a stable video connection for an EMDR session. When a client is not able to leave his/her home, this is an ideal method to still receive treatment. Moreover, as a therapist you have a lot of online possibilities to use distraction. Virtual reality plays an increasingly important role in the mental healthcare sector and Psylaris has also developed various modules for VR glasses. With VR glasses on, the client gets a fairly intense distraction, which the therapist can start. The therapist can also use his own photos and videos for distraction tasks. Also with virtual reality it is possible to be treated from a distance.

EMDR therapy with modern methods

As a developer of modern methods and tools in mental healthcare, Psylaris has also made EMDR easy with modern techniques. Virtual reality, for example, plays an increasingly important role in the mental healthcare sector. With EMDR-VR and EMDR-plus, Psylaris has developed a VR-module. The module can easily be used by the practitioner and has many distraction possibilities. The client gets a more intense distraction than during a regular treatment. The VR glasses can be used both at home and in the treatment room. This makes both the practitioner and the client more flexible.

If the client is unable to come to the treatment centre, Psylaris uses EMDR-remote to make it possible to receive EMDR treatment at home. EMDR-remote is the online EMDR platform of Psylaris, where the practitioner and the client can conduct an EMDR session via video calling. Again, the practitioner has many possibilities to distract and the client, who is chained to the house, is still being treated.

Are you a therapist?

We believe with the combination of intelligent software and qualified therapists we can develop a system in which everyone, anytime and anywhere has direct access to efficient and affordable psychological care.

Psylaris Care VR therapy

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